
October 29, 2015



Dear Precious,
 You are 21! Where did the time go?
It seems like it was just yesterday that you were a newborn...a huge fat baby
amidst the tiny preemie babies in the NICU section of the hospital.  Ten days later you were in the
arms of your big brother who could only mutter the words "Babe...Babe..." over and over
again as he patted you so tenderly.  And now you are  a beautiful young woman with so many
hopes and dreams.  You have had a rough year.  You have had so many challenges that you never
thought would be yours, and you have navigated through them with such grace and strength. You
have amazed your parents with your goodness and with your desire to be your best.  Thank you for
blessing our family.  Thank you for blessing your parents...For lending your strength to us when we have needed it...
For loving your brothers and being their biggest fans.
Thank you for helping us laugh and laugh and laugh!
Thank you for being you!
We are blessed that you are our daughter.
Heavenly Father know you PreSh...he knows the desires of your heart...
and He will bless you with those desires....
This I know for sure!
Thank you for choosing to be our girl!
I love you madly!

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