
January 28, 2016

Carne Does It Again!

I spent the week in New York City, last week...It was a wonderful week! 
While I was waiting in the airport...getting ready to board 
the plane a text arrived from The Farmer....


A little Bull calf was born to our Carne! 
I told The Farmer that he had missed his calling in life...he should have been a Rancher...
our herd is growing without any planning on our part! That's a dream for a Rancher.
 The Farmer was there when the little calf was born. He said that Carne was please to
 bring the calf to him to show The Farmer what a good job she had done.
 I thought that was so sweet!

  photo 2

January 13, 2016

A Growing Herd...


We discovered yesterday, a new member of our Longhorn family!
 It's a girl...and she is perfectly darling! 
We are still working on a name... 
Violet is mothering well...and we are happy!!! 
Thanks to The Rooster for the fun pictures!


January 8, 2016

Snow Day!...

photo 2 (2)

Today we awoke to beautiful snow!
 It was unexpected but welcome. 
The Rooster is developing into a fantastic photographer! 
This was taken by him at Rancho 25 early this morning. 
The cows don't seem fact, they seem pretty bothered!

  photo 2 (1)photo 1 (2) 

 Another great picture from The Rooster...

  photo 3 (1)photo 3 photo 4 (2) photo 5 
(Shauna Nielsen)

January 6, 2016

Sweet "16"...


The Farmer has this great tradition of naming each new year when it arrives. 
 He likes to make phrases that's always a good time. 
This year was named...
 "Sweet 16" I like it! 
We just ended a year of hard "stuff."
 If we ever used the phrase "We Can Do Hard Things..." we used it last year. 
We faced things that we never considered we would face...and we lived to tell ;) 
We are looking forward to a "sweet" year...even though we know the hard things will continue. Along with the hard, came so much good...
so many blessings, and that is what held us up. 
My days are full of gratitude for the good...and the hard too!

I love these people with all my heart! 
 The Darlings are now +1. 
I asked them for only one thing for Christmas this 
And they delivered. 
 We had a wonderful photographer stay with us for a few days through the holidays 
and she was kind enough to do a little photo shoot of My Darlings! 
 I can't believe they are all adults...and friends...the time has passed so quickly.
 I am so proud of each of them and the wonderful people that they are and are becoming.
 I am so blessed to be their Mom.
 Here's to a very "Sweet 16!!"