
May 31, 2016

Dinner Time At Rancho 25...

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A couple of nights ago, The Farmer and I headed to Rancho 25, 
 to take some fresh hay to the Longhorn Herd ;) 
The feed on the ranch isn't so good as the weather has gotten hotter. 
 We haven't had our rainy season yet, once that happens, the natural grass will return. 
 For now we are taking feed to them until we can get them moved to a different pasture.
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They get pretty excited when the fresh alfalfa arrives...
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After they were fed...
we headed up to the top of a nearby mountain and enjoyed a beautiful sunset... 
It was a very good evening at Rancho 25.

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May 26, 2016

When A Baby Tiger Comes To Visit...


The Rooster has a friend who owns a baby tiger... yes...a baby tiger. 
He brought it to our house for us to see... 
What an experience that was! It was pretty darn cute...but it was still a wild animal. 
 Everyone was either bitten, or nipped at...
but it was really fun to be up close to such a beautiful animal!

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May 23, 2016

30 Birthday's Later...


Happy Birthday My Farmer!
 I spent some time today, looking for just the right picture to celebrate you on your day.
 I'm not sure this is the perfect one...but it is us. 
I don't know about you...but I think we are perfect together...perfect for each other. 
This isn't supposed to be about's supposed to be about you ;) 
I am so grateful for you.
 I knew from the moment I met you in your snap up western shirt (true story)...
that you were the guy for me! 
We've done alot of living and I. 
Some of that living has been hard stuff...and some has been pretty great. 
We've built a home, 
We've built a family, 
We've buried children and parents, 
We've loved, We've laughed, 
We've shed some tears along the way.
We've planted trees...lots of them, 
We've planted seeds. Some have grown...and some have not. 
We've built businesses, 
We've traveled, 
We've served God, 
We've dogged bullets both literally and figuratively ;) 
We've deepened our faith. 
I love to see your strengths in our makes me so happy.
 They are so blessed to call you Dad. 
You are my constant, firm foundation. 
When you tell me everything will be ok...I really believe you. 
 You are my love, my friend, my twin flame ;) 
You are my everything!! 
Happy Birthday to you My Farmer...
we are just getting warmed up... ;) 
I love you!

May 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Rooster!


My Sweet Rooster... Happy Birthday!!! 
 I can't believe that you are 19 years old! I am so grateful for you. 
 I am so grateful that you are my son. What a blessing you are to me and to your family. 
 You are our darling baby boy and baby brother. 
These are the things that I want to remember about you right now. 
You are nearly as tall as your Dad! Who thought that would ever happen ;) 
And you are still growing. I am not sure where this will end...but you are the tallest of your siblings. 
 I know that makes you really happy! You have the most fantastic hair. 
 It is curly and you like wearing it a little long... 
I think we can blame Grandma Christine for that...she has never wanted us to 
cut your beautiful locks. You have a smile that lights up a room. 
 The twinkle in your eyes makes everyone around you happy. 
You have a special gift with people. 
 That you inherited from both of your grandfathers,
 but you are very much like your Grandpa Charles. 
 The fact that you carry his name is a special thing. 
 He had a great affection for you and you did for him.
 I know his death has been very hard on you. 
 He loved you very much.


 You are a great friend to everyone. You are loyal. 
 You are kind and thoughtful. 
You have a tender heart and when those you love hurt too. 
This is one of your great traits. 
You are a great brother to your sister and brother. 
They love you with all their hearts.


 You love a good steak. 
 Grilled artichokes are another favorite of yours. 
Pasta, Chinese food, and anything sweet...these are all things that you love. 
Your deep voice and sweet laugh keep us all smiling.
You are a great photographer!
Every picture you take is a masterpiece! 
You have a great sense of humor and love the farms. are loved. 
 So very very loved. I hope you will never, ever forget that! 
 Happy Birthday My Boy! 
Your Momma loves you!!

May 19, 2016

My People...


Last weekend I had the chance to hang out with "My People"
 Goodness I love those people of mine! 
The Farmer and I had planned to be in the Phoenix area for a concert...
to celebrate his birthday... 
and before we knew it plans were made for everyone to gather. 
It's been awhile since we have all been together, 
Years in fact.

The Brotherhood never disappoint...
there is certain to be lots of laughing when we are together. 
 I love that! 
We also spend a good amount of time eating great food... 
which great by me.


Our dear Father's headstone has been placed. 
 It looks wonderful! 
The weekend was full of stories and memories of him. 
We shed some tears and we shared some laughs... 
We are so blessed to have been taught and loved by such a great man!
 He is always a part of us no matter what we are doing or where we may be.
I feel his influence daily. 
 Our Grandmother Mable Skinner left a great legacy for us,
 a song she wrote many years ago. I have spent my life singing that song is a family mission statement of sorts. 
We gathered around our Father's grave and sang together... 

  We belong to a family who loves the Lord you see, 
We gladly follow the prophet in peace and harmony. 
As we choose the right and follow His light, 
His promises are sure, 
As we serve with joy, our talents employ, 
We gain strength to help us endure. 
 We love Jesus, he is our friend, 
We pray that we'll live and help ourselves give, 
That we may be with Him again!

Mother's Day...


Mother's Day was so nice this year! 
With the careful planning of The Boy and The Farmer a beautiful and very 
yummy meal was prepared.


 Not a thing was missing from this meal! Man was it good. 
The Farmer invited his mother and a couple of siblings to join us. 
 It is always such a great time to be together!

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May 3, 2016

A Birthday "Fix-Up"...


This Boy of mine lives life.
 He has since is was a very small child. 
He isn't fearful, which can be both good and bad ;) 
Everything he does, he does with great intensity, which I love.
 He has done a lot of living in his short life and has a few scars to show for it. 
 One of those "scars" was the problems that go along with having
 his nose broken many times. Before his mission we took him to a
 Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, fully expecting to schedule a major surgery to repair
 the damage. What we found out was that he was not fully grown and we needed 
to wait until he returned from his mission. 
He has really suffered with chronic sinus infections for years. 
 He hasn't been able to sleep well, and was sneezing and blowing his nose all the time! 
He was miserable. Thankfully we found a great Dr. and took advantage of 
The Boy and his Bride being home with us for awhile...and we scheduled the surgery. 
 It wasn't invasive like we thought it would be. 
No additional scars...and now we have a Boy who can breathe! 
He says it is amazing!  His little birthday "fix-up" has been a success!