
February 27, 2008

Marathon Madness!!!!!

One week from today I leave for the Moab 1/2 Marathon.....WHAT WAS I THINKING????!!!! I ran 10 miles last week on the wonderful hills of Mata Ortiz and actually felt pretty great. But I do have to admit that the closer it gets to the actual event the more anxiety I feel. Kelly says that I am already commited and can do nothing about it sooooooooooooo settle in. Easy for him to say don't ya think! One of the friends I am running with came up with the best phrase for our husbands/bystanders to wear on their t-shirts while we are running..."I am living my dream through my wife" Pretty good huh?! With the exception of some sore knees I am sure I will survive. The book Marathoning for Mortals has been a great guide for training, don't think I could have done it without the book!


  1. Shell-bell... I'm proud of you! I am sure you'll do so well. When are you guys coming to Mesa next? I miss you and love ya!

  2. That's so great that you are doing that! We'll be rooting for ya!

  3. shelley, that is so cool on the marathon! i seriously hate running; biking yes, running no! just another reason to be impressed with you all!
    i'll tell ted that kelley stopped by his blog - he should surprise him, though and leave a comment- i know what he means about the guy thing, it took alot of prodding on my part to get ted to do the blog- i make them into books, so i convinced him he was doing it for the sake of journal keeping.
    good luck on the marathon- go get em!

  4. shelley - I got this blog address from bethany's blog....nice to find it and read about you guys...give me a call when you're in would be fun to see you again....take care. Julie

  5. First let me identify my self before commenting. I am Sheila's mom and she told me you found her blog. I think that is so exciting after all these years. You two have a lot of "catching up" to do. Good Luck on the Moab Marathon! You bring back happy memories of you and your family in Mesa.


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