
February 16, 2008

What have you done with our son???

Well the high school here is a church school and therefore the dances are treated as chruch dances and if you are 14 you an attend. Last night was the Jr. Prom and Jordan decided that he wanted to go with a group of friends and cousins. The group ended up being 4 boys and one darling girl (who is like a sister to Jordan.) They got all decked out for a night on the town. They went and had a "fancy" dinner and then to the dance. Another great thing about the school...the parents go the the big dances too! mostly to watch their kids. So you know that Kelly and I couldn't pass this one up! We drove to the school (in the snow) and really enjoyed watching Jordan have such a great time with his friends. It was a wonderful evening but a huge reminder that time is passing too fast, and the kids are really growing up. Oh....Victoria even told Jordan that he looked hot! That in alone was worth the price of the tux!!!


  1. I can't believe Jordan is old enough to be dating! I haven't seen him since he was little!


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