
March 20, 2008

Semana Santa

In Mexico we celebrate "Holy Week." It is the week before Easter and would be like Spring Break in the States. I love that it is called "Holy Week" because it helps us stay focused on Easter. Anyway, we don't usually leave for vacation at this time of year because our Dad needs to be close to the orchards to make sure they are protected from the cold nights. So for a little fun we left for El Paso at 6am for some good fun with the "primos" (cousins). My sister in law took her kids and I took mine and we started the day at the movie Horton Hears a Who, which I highly recommend! Then we all went to lunch and went shopping. This is when the real fun began....

Since we don't go shopping real often, I had a list a mile long and the kids had their own agendas too. We went to Ross which is always a favorite, and in the middle of shopping I received a very important business call, that I new would take a few minutes and so I found a place in the store that I could talk. Well the kids got a little restless and to kill the time they came across some boxing do see where this is going right?? First Jordan got his pair, then Victoria showed up with pink gloves and finally Riley found himself a pair. They then proceeded to arrange the tie racks into a boxing ring and started boxing. All the time laughing so hard they couldn't stand up. Well many folks walked by and wondered "where is the mother of those children?" and well I was watching too, while on the phone, and frankly I was laughing pretty hard too!

My Mom named them the "three little foxes" when they were younger because they have away of interacting that is both amazing in a good way and sometimes overwhelming. They have the most incredible energy with each other. They are so close in age they really don't know life without each other. They are connected in an amazing way. I love how they love each other. I hope that they stay connected even when they are adults...I am sure they will. I think that Kelly and I are pretty blessed to be along for the ride.


  1. Hi Shelley!
    Just seeing what's goin' on in your life! We're headed to see Horton Hears a Who tomorrow....hopefully we won't have a boxing match after! Smiley face! Cute story! Hope all is well! I don't have a blog but our new store does...I'm just starting it so it's scary, but you can see a few picts! Love ya, Jan

  2. there's nothing like a good boxing match in the middle of ross while mom is preoccupied on the phone
    very funny


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