
March 11, 2008

A Very Eventful Weekend!

This past weekend was very eventful, not just for me but for some very dear friends as well. Sheila became a grandma for the first time Sunday, Shelly's oldest son was married, Maria's oldest daughter announced her engagement and well.....I finished the 1/2 marathon! I guess I am a little behind schedule with my friends. It is one of those times I am glad I am! Not sure I am ready to enter that time of life yet! Anyway I am thrilled for them.

The marathon was incredible! I loved every minute of it, even the painful minutes. The run was so beautiful, along the Colorado River, who could ask for a better location?! Moab is a great town and we had a fun time together (all the cousins). Kelly noticed that the only Jones' that actually ran were the women that the Jones men married! They should really get some representation don't ya think! I posted a few pictures don't judge...I did just run 13.1 miles!


  1. You are awesome Shelley!! I have always wanted to run a half marathon. I love to run, but haven't been able to much since Jocelyn was born because of some complications. I can't wait 'til I can again. How did you train for it?

  2. just saw the post about the book you used to train. ;)

  3. what an accomplishment - you guys do not look sweaty enough - did you all stay together or run at different paces?
    it almost makes me want to try it myself.

  4. Great job Rachelita! What an accomplishment. You must have inherited more than your fair share of Dad's famous mental toughness! (not to mention the bow-legs--which apparently make you run better:)



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