
April 5, 2008

I Love General Conference

What an amazing experience to participate in the Solemn Assembly that was held this morning, sustaining our new prophet. I cannot remember participating when Pres. Hinckley was the prophet, my hope is that my children will remember this sacred moment. They all gathered around the TV and participated in sustaining Pres. Monson. This was a truly inspiring and spiritual experience for me. Elder Christophersen our new apostle, has become a favorite of mine...he wrote an article called "A Sense of the Sacred" which is amazing. I will look forward to his counsel. I am sure the sessions to come will be equally filled with the spirit.

1 comment:

  1. I have that quote by Pres. Hickley (on your blog) in vinyl lettering next to my downstairs door..."be true to who you are..." Love it!Thanks for putting my whisperwood link on your blog! We'll keep posting new pictures regularly! Love ya!


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