
April 14, 2008

Jordan's Birthday Tribute

Jordan's first deer at the Escondida Ranch.
Jordan and Rooster at a Tae Kwon Do belt change, Jordan is a black belt.
The Boy now!
Happy Birthday to our boy Jordan! The big 15! Just a little bit about Jord. Jordan is miracle boy for more than the reason of this past weekend. Kelly and I waited along time for him to arrive. And after a few surgeries, and other treatments, Jordan Max arrived on the scene. We had been told that we may not ever have children due to problems with the birth of Grace, who passed away. So you can imagine how thrilled we were to get our boy. He was a big kid, when he was 1 year old he weighed in at 30 lbs. At the moment he is just about 6 feet tall. He has been a joy. He is a wonderful son, very responsible and very connected to his Mom (she really likes that). He is an Eagle Scout, and as you can see above, a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. He had the chance to train for national competitions with the possibility of trying out for the Mexican Olympic team, but because everything would be done in Sunday, HE made the choice to end his career. He is enjoying playing basketball at the high school and every spare moment he has, he spends on his horse Cabellero (Gentleman). He speaks Spanish beautifully and is a good friend to many. His parents are darn lucky to have him around! We love you Jordan! You are a blessing to our family.


  1. I knew Caroyln and Diana Whetton really well. They grew up down there. They are about my age 34. I don't know if you have been down there long enough to have known them, but I know that they have a lot of family down there. I am not sure where they live now. We used to hang out when we all lived as students in Utah.

  2. my heart goes out to you for all you've been through!

    I am impressed with your gratitude, humility & faith.
    so glad your Jordan is okay and that he is doing well.
    Happy Birthday to an incredible kid!

    (I linked here from Sheila :)


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