
April 24, 2008

A Little More Healing

We have had so many wonderful "healing" moments over the past 10 days. The hand of Heavenly Father has been very present. In Mexico people often say "Gracias a Dios" when they comment on how they are doing or when something such as this accident happens and they want to show their gratitude. I have often thought that the term was used quite loosely, and maybe it is, BUT I have heard it very much in the last 10 days regarding Jordan's safety and healing and it has been the thought of my heart. Truly we are grateful to a Heavenly Father who knows more than we do, and who protected our Jord.
We had the opportunity to attend a special Mass for Alexis, the friend of Jordan's who was killed in the accident. Her family invited us to join them last night in her honor. It was the first Mass that Jordan has attended, not a first for me. It was a special experience to share such a tender moment with this great family. They have really surrounded Jordan with so much love and concern it amazes me. He has really grown to love them too. We felt blessed to be with them, and I found such respect for them in their worship. It was another healing moment, for which I am grateful.
Jordan got his stiches out this week and has a very little scar. He may have to have surgery at some point because of the break, for now he is fine. He looks and feels great!


  1. I feel so bad for the family that lost their daughter...don't know how you go on after that (even with the gospel it would be soooo hard). Hopefully each week will get better and better for Jordan! Glad you had fun at Time Out! Wish someone would send me to Time Out! :)

  2. Hi Shelley - I came here after you left a comment on my blog. (there is an answer there for you by the way!) Anyway, I was scanning through and saw your links for Family and Friends, and I happen to catch Garrett and BJ Hatch. It's such a small world - my sisters and I lived above Garrett years ago in Orem! I'm sure he'd remember the Mitchell sisters - it's such a small world!


Tell Me Something Good