
May 28, 2008

An Afternoon At The Farm

A late afternoon ride to the farm is a lovely thing! The men are all gone for the day, the sun is low in the sky, and the Farmer isn't too stressed when the day is nearly over. Saturday Rooster, the Farmer's Mom, myself and the Farmer enjoyed a late afternoon visit to the farm.
We built a reservoir a couple of years ago to help with irrigation, and it has become a very fun place to hang out! Fishing, swimming, grilling....all activites enjoyed at the farm. This is the Farmer's Mom (above) she is a wonderful person and a very good friend!
This is a sight that makes the Farmer (and his wife) very, very happy! The first peaches of the year! With the hope of many more to come.


  1. you BUILT a resivoir?

    i love fresh peaches- they are the best!

  2. Looking at these pictures made me so homesick! I love being there in the summer time and taking rides through the orchards in the evenings. Such a peaceful feeling! I wish i had a peach to eat RIGHT now...


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