
May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I am extra lucky...I got to celebrate Mother's Day twice! In Mexico, it is "Dia del Madre" and is always celebrated on May 10th. And we celebrate again the following Sunday. Convenient isn't it!:) I loved Pedaling's post on Motherhood, "Raising Children, is like being pecked to death by a duck" you should really check it out. It is true and wonderful! She is such great writer.

Motherhood has turned out to be something quite different than I thought it would be..I am sure it has for all of us on some level. It didn't ever occur to me (before I started my family) that having a healthy baby is a miracle. Having a pregnancy without major problems is a miracle. Having three (not the 6 I had always hoped for) was a miracle. I have sorrowed at the loss of the two children that I so longed for. But what I have learned is gratitude for what I have! It has been an amazing ride, these children of mine. They live life with such passion and energy and joy. They are an example to me! Together we have laughed, we have cried, we have experienced many firsts together and we continue to hope and dream together. They are my dearest friends as well as my children! I am greatful for them each and everyday. I LOVE THEM!

(the three roses are from my garden and the picture is by Queen)


  1. it is a miracle these kids of ours- you have had quite the struggles in this regard. Someday, you will have to share your experiences and trials with me- when the time is right.
    We are sure growing to love you two and your family even more than ever- another reason to promote the blogging.
    Happy Day to you!

  2. I really admire you, I can't even imagine going through what you have gone through with such strength. You are a great mom!!!!


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