
May 23, 2008

I've Decided....

We are farming the wrong thing!!! The wind has just been terrible. Ususally by this time of year it has ended, BUT noooooo, not this year. My garden is suffering, actually all of my plants and flowers are suffering. My house is filled with dirt, and I am just plain tired of sweeping my porch 25 times a day! Just think.....a wind farm....cold wouldn't be a problem, nor would rain, nor would hail. We wouldn't have to spray for bugs or even weeds. Hummmmmmmm what are we thinking???? All you would need it ...WIND... and yes, we do have more than enough of that! I am telling "The Farmer" right now!!

p.s. don't you just love Father's and Son's Weekend? My men are leaving today.....looking forward to so girley fun:)

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