
May 9, 2008

The Uses of Adversity

When I attended Time Out a few weeks ago, this book was quoted by one of the speakers. The quote that really spoke to me was "The gospel of Jesus Christ is not insurance against pain, It is a resource in event of pain, and when that pain comes...and it will...rejoice that you have resource to deal with your pain." The book is short but wonderful! I highly recommend it.
Tonight Kelly and I "mourned with those who mourn." A sweet young mother who is facing some extremely difficult challenges. Pain like I do not know. How grateful I am for "resources" to help sustain us in painful moments. How wonderful it is to "bear one another's burdens" when needed. Many have helped carry my burdens a time or two, I consider it a privilege to help carry another's. In Mosiah, the characteristics of members of Christ's church are outlined. The thing that touched me, and has so many times, is after the qualifications were listed, the crowd was asked, "Now what have ye against being baptized?" and "They clapped their hands with joy, for this was the desire of their hearts." Do I always clap my hands for joy when someone needs me to help bear their burden? Do I always clap my hands for joy when the mourning need my support? Do I always live in unity with those around me as a follower of Christ?
Just a thought for me to think more about...


  1. something to think about. thanks for the reminder. sounds like a great conference

  2. good things to remember,yes. it is wonderful to have a deeper understanding of adversity.

  3. I find it SO easy to mourn with those that mourn. For me, it is so much harder to be happy for those that seem to have it so much easier than me..I think I may be weird though.

  4. that quote was my favorite thing i took from time out. as a matter of fact, i was just writing about it yesterday in my journal- but i'm glad you had the exact quote, i had messed it up a bit. you have been a wonderful friend and support to me when i have needed you. i think you do a great job!! loves!

  5. Hi Shelly,
    I can't remember if I already left a comment, but I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your article on adversity. And thanks for looking at my blog. I am so glad that "the queen" and Kyla are friends, too. This move would have been much more difficult had it not been for good friends!

  6. thanks for posting this! have you read the book? i may have to check it out. there is lots going on around me and in my personal like and i think I may need to read this book for myself and others!
    please send me an email and let me know if you read it or not.
    you can get my email address from my blog page! :-)


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