
June 26, 2008

This Is How It Went...

Little Rooster thought that one of these (above) would be a great addition to the family. So he approached The Farmer and this is what The Farmer said....
"Hey Little Rooster...why don't you plant some of these (above) water them, fertilize them, weed them, pick them and sell them...and after you have met all of your financial obligations (i.e. farm expenses, mission fund, tithing, etc.) then get back to me and we will see what we can do."
And so the Little Rooster set his plan in motion. He got the seed, got a contract to sell the pumpkins, and has been planning and dreaming for months. The time has arrived...the seed will be planted in the next week and the dream has been set into motion. We will keep you posted. This is when the Mom hopes that all the farming planets are in alignment so the little guy will succeed. Rooster's Pumpkin Patch...Now Open for Business!


  1. The Farmer is a very wise dad! I love it! Wish I lived closer so I could buy tons of pumpkins from Rooster! Keep us posted!

  2. I agree...a very wise dad. You know Rooster will take good care of the prize once it is earned! My kind of parenting!

  3. yes i am back! and how i would love to be able to buy some of his pumpkins!!!

  4. What a great life lesson. I never would have been come up with this type of solution! As everyone has said, what a smart Farmer you have! Tell Rooster good luck!!

  5. Can't wait to purchase a pumpkin, great way to teach little rooster how to work and the value of money. love that kid!

  6. I want some!!! I am sick of hauling those things in!

  7. That is so cute. You can count on our business for sure.

  8. Hey Shelly! Just lettin' ya know that I now have a blog =)

  9. The Farmer's one smart Farmer/dad.
    Do you hire him out for lessons? I got a 3 teenage sons that need to hear this speech. My DH's speech's aren't working!
    Congrats to Rooster. May his efforts be blessed! Wish I lived closer, I would sure buy some!
    By the way, I thought I had saved you on my google reader, but I found out I haven't! SORRY! I'm here now and you are added!

  10. You captured what is so cool about living on a farm....oh son, you want to make some's your plot of it!

  11. haven't heard from you in awhile...
    is everything ok?

  12. Hi Shelly I love your blog I just started one. I have always wanted a pumpkin Patch can I come pick my pumpkin this fall like they do Christmas trees? love Kara


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