
July 15, 2008

The Diva Tagged Me!

The PURPLE DIVA tagged me! I am not too fond of tags, BUT I do love the PURPLE DIVA, and so here I go with 6 things about me that are boring or quirky. 1. I am obsessed with aprons. I know that you all know that by now....I think about them, I make them, I wear them, I search for fabric to sew them, I LOVE THEM!
2. I am consumed with cupcakes! I think about them, I eat them, I read about them, I bake them, and according to The Farmer...I talk about them way too much.
3. I really love Gel Pens. Just check the bottom of my purse. I have a couple in every color known to man. One of my sisters-in-law just discovered this about me and was a little concerned...(hehe) I store that I send all of my business samples from sells these delightful pens and so if you must know...I buy one everytime I go to the store...EVERYTIME!
4. I need a full pantry. When things start getting a little low, I feel nervous. And usually a quick trip to El Paso gets me straightened out again. Not sure why I feel this way, can't say that I have been hungry at any moment of my life..BUT...I do need a full and organized pantry.

5. I LOVE JEWERLY! If you know me well....then you already know this, but you forgive me right??!! The Farmer likes to quote scripture when I NEED another piece of jewerly....something like "tinkling things and bells and chimes"...I quit listening awhile ago....anyway but he is kind to indulge me. Every piece has a little something special about it, a memory attached. It's kinda of sad I know, but jewerly speaks....and I listen. A few years ago I partnered in a silver jewerly business, which was heaven for me:) I traveled to a town outside of Mexico City to purchase the jewerly that we sold, let me just tell you...It was sheer bliss for me! SHEER BLISS. Hey, I should have named the company Sheer Bliss....

6. I have a fixation on clocks! Come on will see. I have two that chime at the same time...amongst many others...does this mean I am pre-occupied with time? I really do have way too many clocks...but I love them all!

So as you can see...I am easily obsessed, and easily entertained. So now I would like to tag, JEN, JAN, BOBBIE, and MEGHAN. Can't wait to see what you all confess:)


  1. Were we seperated at birth???
    You so CRACK me up!
    I love, did I say LOVE, I LOVE JEWELRY! I MEAN, I LOVE IT! I WANT IT I CRAVE IT! I ADORE IT and ADORN IT! LOL My DH has been good to me as well.
    AND PENS...GEL PINS...I have A TON of them! BUT I can never seem to find one when I want one! I use them to address my Christmas cards EVERY year!
    APRONS! I LOVE APRONS! BUT I do not have one. My grandmother had one for EVERY day of the week. A different color! I do not know what happened to them when she passed away.
    AND THE PANTRY THING! HOLY COW! My kids make fun of me for how full I keep my pantry! I have NEVER been without food either, (you can tell on me-it shows!) but I love a FULL pantry.
    The only place we part are at cupcakes. BUT I DO SO LOVE ME SOME CAKE! LOL
    You are TOO funny! I LOVE that you played! See it wasn't so bad!
    Did you enter any of my contest yet for the week?

  2. I didn't know that about you and gel pens? What is it with them, they get me every time too. I usually have to make a quick stop by the pen section at WalMart, even though I have PLENTY. A girl can never have to much jewelry or gel pens.

  3. That was a fun tag to read! I'm not big on tags, but that was a good one!
    Your pantry is fabulous...I want mine to look like that!

  4. Love the info on you, the pictures, the rain- Funny about the pens- I love school supplies. I asked Jorge if that makes me a nerd...and he said yes. Hope everything else is going well. Where's the puppy pics???

  5. You are so so funny, this is a fun tag, i will go do it right now.

  6. this was a fun tag. so if i've been noticably absent, uh- i thought you weren't blogging! i switched all my feeds to google reader and somehow yours wasn't on there. then meg posted her tag, anyhoo, i've got some reading to do!! i love you for what you love! jewelry, cupcakes, it's so you! and you're great!!

  7. I answered your tag. Thanks! That was fun! I loved reading yours, too, and getting to know you better!

  8. I love the g2 pens and I have quite the hoarding problem when it comes to the pantry...that natural disaster leaving the population is always in the back of my mind.

  9. even though you don't like doing tags so much, i'm glad you did- i love learning more about what you do these days- i knew about the aprons and cup cakes, but not about the pens, pantry and clocks....i wish we could find a place and time to hang out, go to dinner and visit! not boring in the least!


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