
July 29, 2008

Thank You Again...Sweet Diva!

Another fun award from THE PURPLE DIVA Thanks so much! She enjoyed the post called "THE PURPOSE OF THE APRON" and you know me I don't need much encouragement to appreciate an apron. To my darling brother Ben...sorry...I know you have heard entirely enough about aprons....even though, you will continue reading the blog won't you??? Hey and another thing my darling brother Ben...I still love you even if you don't leave me comments;)


  1. OH you are too sweet! I am not tired of hearing about aprons! I love aprons! I wish I had an apron! LOL
    I will keep reading and leaving comments...even if you keep writing about aprons! :-)

  2. Yeah, my mom doesn't leave comments either! Pshaw!

  3. yes, me too i was checking to see if he left a comment

  4. Shelly, I haven't been lurking around as much since your blog has has basically become:

    Maybe you should see if that name is available :)

    Really, this seems like an unhealthy fixation.

    I also do not feel too bad about not commenting, since I left a voice mail message for you two weeks ago with no response.

    Glad to see some news posts, in fact I had weigh in on the Jordo post.


  5. Ben, my darling brother are right my obsession is out of control...cute blog name I will check that one out...hehe...I didn't get any message from you...really I didn't,


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