
July 3, 2008

We Are Free!

I love the Fourth of July! I have always loved it. I think I have developed a deeper appreciation for the celebration of Independence by living in a foreign country. It is easy to see the fault in systems that are not functioning as we might like them to and it is easy to blame those systems for some of the challenges that we may face today. But for me the bottom line is .....WE ARE worship who and how we want. WE ARE eat what we want, whenever we want, while the people of other countries are starving because of the oppression of their governments. WE ARE vote for who we want to lead us. WE ARE FREE.... to be educated if that is our desire. We have so many FREEDOMS that we don't think twice about. Living where I live, and how I live has taught me a greater appreciation for these wonderful FREEDOMS that were a gift to me. I did nothing to earn them, I have not paid the price for them, as many have. But I do enjoy them and am very grateful for them. I do love the country in which I live. I love all the good that it has to offer me and my family. But nothing touches me to deeply as seeing the American Flag fly.

I hope that your celebration of the Fourth of July is full of gratitude for all the wonderful freedoms that we enjoy....I know mine will be!



    Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Happy 4th to my South of the Border Friend!!! Let freedom ring!

  3. great post.
    i appreciate your thoughts and oh, how i love all the pics you posted!

  4. BEAUTIFUL POST, FW. You have some deep thoughts and you posted some wonderful pictures.
    To answer your question, my kitchen is almost done. I can't use it yet, but I can fantasize! Make sure you come by next time you're in town!


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