
August 9, 2008

A Few Darn Cute Things!

There are just sooo many cute blogs out there! It is really fun to jump around and check them out! I am always amazed that the creativity of some of the folks out is inspiring. Anyway, just for a little fun, a few of these things struck me for different reasons. The bikes above, are too cute and they made me think of my friend Pedaling...she loves all things bicycle.
These frames...well I thought of myself..hehe..I LOVE THEM!!! Aren't they darling!?! Sweet and true messages on each of them. These can be found at Domestic Bliss, a very lovely boutique in Mesa.
And this precious playhouse...I thought of us all...don't we all secretly wish we had one for ourselves?? I sure do! Somewhere to retreat and relax. You will be delighted with the pictures of the playhouse. I have a chicken house that is pretty cute....but NOTHING like this little house, and well, I wouldn't consider the chicken house as a place to retreat and relax..atleast not for me;)
Check out Restyled Home for more about this sweet little house. You will love it~


  1. Those are some cute cute pictures! The little house reminds me of Rae-on my blog roll. I love the bedroom and the playhouse and the frames!
    Wonder what picture you would find to remind you of me? I'm sure it would be a MESS of things! LOL

  2. I love those picture frames but haven't been able to bring myself to pay the money for one. And that playhouse?! Holy guacamole! Isn't that amazing?! CJ's right...I love it! In fact we have actual plans for a playhouse similar to that one we are thinking of building for the girls. A little home away from home!

  3. Great decor! Those frames are "sugarboo" frames. I love them! We don't sell them here cause they're too pricey (like Rae said), but we sure as heck duplicate them!:) My sister Melanie has copied them (shhh) and they are a fraction of the price & dang cute!

  4. The little house is darling! I DO want one for myself!

  5. i want that playhouse and those bikes too!
    and love the mosiac of the ranch. your kids are going to have such great childhood memories!


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