
August 5, 2008

More Peaches and Berries

This is how the day began...
The Farmer grew these for us, all by himself.. at least that is what he told me.

This is what it looked like around the middle of the day....

And I did this all by least that is what I told The Farmer. Not really...thanks to the lovely lady that helps me in the house. I couldn't and wouldn't attempt any of this without her.

This is what it looked like this evening....

And it will look like several jars of Blackberry jam...around 11:00 tonight! all begins again:)


  1. or when you're not the little red hen, you must go by Molly.
    Can I come over after you and maria are finished?

  2. Your photographs look good enough to eat! My mouth is seriously watering Shelley! And thanks for giving me the motivation to get my own summer canning started!

  3. That is so cool. I tell you, I need to learn how to do that. Can you believe it? I live in CJ and don't know how to can or bottle or whatever you call it. It is pathetic and embarrassing.

  4. Oh these look yummy! Wish I was there-I'd help! If I could eat some pie or jam afterwards!
    Jen is too funny...there's a reason she doesn't know how...she's got 9 KIDS! She knows how to do that really good! :-)


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