
August 12, 2008


Yesterday marked the start of school for The Boy. We have all really enjoyed the freedoms of summer but are happy to get settled in again to our routines that come with school. The Boy seems happy to be back to school and after one day...says he loves his teachers and classes. Maybe we should ask him again in a few weeks;) He is also back to football practice, and came home limping last night, that's a good thing right?? Little Rooster and PreShie will start school next Monday.
Sunday evening The Boy drove his Mother's car to see Uncle Frank (aka the Bishop). He drives alot and has been very we have not had reason to worry, UNTIL...he thought that putting the car in neutral instead of park, while he ran into Uncle Frank's house, would be a great idea.
He came out to find this. The Mother's car had rolled forward and into the fence, knocking a section of it down. The Boy felt it was not his fault at all...totally the cars fault for rolling...hummmm??? No damage to the car. Uncle Frank and Aunt Cathy got some good laughs. And The Boy found that using "park" is a good thing.


  1. i can't believe they're in school already! and oh, so rough, the wall. what are y'all gonna do?

  2. My dear friend who is in her 30's recently did this same exact thing and hit my garage door! Hopefully the boy will learn from this mistake and not be doing it later in life! :)

  3. Don't you just LOVE it when your teenage son gets old enough to drive? ARGGHHH!

  4. Hahahaha! My mom told me about this... too funny! =)

  5. OH that BOY! I guess you can't always have him on the short chain!
    I got some stories of my boys too, that would just top this one! :-)
    Who has to rebuild the wall?

  6. oh my i hope its ok that i am totally laughing right now


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