
August 17, 2008

Sunday Thoughts

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke


  1. so true.

    yes, shelley i got the e-mail. enjoy the little gift card, im excited you won! and i didn't cheat or anything!

    the blurb info i posted on my blog long ago before we connected go here and it will take you to the post. if that doesn't work go to my side bar and hit under labels: blogging and it will lead you there if you scroll down.

    this time i am doing a bigger book. the whole thing is a bit tedius and isn't as quick and easy as it looks, but it's not bad, just takes a bit of time. I love it and so will you. i wish we were closer and i could show you in person! dang it all!
    let me know if you have any questions.
    seeing how long this is, guess i should have e-mailed you. sorry.

  2. Thank you for that thought. Sometimes it seems that if we are not sinning, we are doing right, but there are the sins of ommission, too. Good wake up call, FW.

  3. How ironic that just yesterday we were talking about this same idea. My hubby was complaining about the way something was being handled in our ward, and then I asked him, "Well, if you don't voice your opinion, how do you expect change?" How are the Bencomo/De la Cruz families???????? You guys be careful down there. I pray for your safety EVERY SINGLE DAY! :-)


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