
August 31, 2008

Sunday Thoughts

Words from Our Bishop
*Are we as concerned with our spiritual safety, as we are for our physical safety?? If our lives are in order, if we are doing the things that we know that we should be doing...we have no need to fear.
*Keep the Sabbath Day holy. Make sure that our Sunday activities are such that they respect the Savior. Make sure that our dress respects the Savior. Please keep our Sunday clothes on throughout the Sabbath Day.
*Be found in the temple. Let our children see us at the temple. Take our children who are old enough, to do baptisms in the temple, that they might begin to feel the sacred feelings that are there, at a young age.
*Guard our lives from pornography, take every precaution to protect our homes and our lives.
Being that is was the fifth Sunday today, we had a joint meeting with the Priesthood and Relief Society. This is the counsel that out Bishop gave to us. It was a great class and a reminder that we all needed. Thank goodness for our faithful Priesthood men. It gives me such comfort and peace to know that they are guiding and leading us, especially when times are difficult.


  1. Loved the message today as well, and i also will be trying those muffins, my granola stash is getting old and not eaten fast enough!

  2. i'm sorry i missed it! i loved the little cards and the 4x4 challenge too. love it!

  3. I Love your peach picture! Impressive.:) What great thoughts from an inspired Bishop.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! don't think that just because you left town we're not celebrating. big hugs!

  5. Shell,
    I hope you have a great Birthday!
    I love ya! Jen

  6. Ohhh I didn't know...good thing I read the comments! Happy Happy Birthday! Hope you're shopping & dining!:) Love ya1

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELLEY! We hope you had a great day because you deserve it! We love and miss you lots and hope to see you soon!


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