
August 14, 2008

We Mourn...Again

(photo by Kim Skinner)
I should apologize before I get started...I certainly don't want this post to be a huge downer...but today i wept with a Mother who, last night, lost two sons...her only sons. It began at 12:12 am, today. The Farmer and I attended a lovely wedding last night, and celebrated the begining of a new family, with people that we love just like our own family. It was wonderful. We got home late and I fell right asleep. The Farmer on the other hand did not, and was reading when, at 12:12 am he heard gun shots that seemed close by. He left our home and drove through our little community looking for the source of the shots. He came accross nothing. He returned home and went back to bed, when the phone rang. We all know that a phone call in the middle of the night is not a good thing. This is when I woke up. Two young men in our stake, brothers, sons of The Farmer's secretary at chruch, nephews of The Farmer's counselor at church, a missionary who had just recieved his call and was to leave in 1 month for his mission, and a younger brother, had been shot and killed right in front of their home. They were at the hospital, where the Dr.'s would not attend to them because they feared for their own lives. And so The Farmer began a very long night. Life is a bit unsettled for us right now...for the community. We are seeing the tragic effects of a terrible drug war. It has not affected us directly...until now. The one young man was 18 years old, his brother 16 years old. And tell does a mother bury TWO sons? How does her heart take it? I asked The Farmer, "how do you console these great people at a time like this?" He said "You don't...You allow the Holy Ghost, The Comforter, to do that." He is right. It is grief I cannot understand, even though we have faced loss ourselves. All we can do is pray for them, help bear their burdens, and shed tears with them. I took the brothers missionary suits to the funeral home this afternoon, and I wept again.
"There have been many deaths, which leaves a melancholy reflection, but we cannot help it. When God speaks from the heavens to call us hence, we must submit to His mandates."
Joseph Smith
"I know we ought to be still and know it is of God, and be reconciled to His will;
Jospeh Smith


  1. What??? Who did this happen to? I can't believe all of this. It frightens me! I fear for ALL of your safety! I fear for my brothers, especially Tyson. I feel soooooooo sorry for that mother. I cannot even imagine going through that. Were these kids involved with the wrong crowd???? Did the cartel make a mistake and get the wrong people? So many questions. Email me back at when you get a chance. Love ya!

  2. oh, shelley, what sad sad news. thanks for sharing, though, what is going on. my heart goes out to this family. Just having your help and having you around is of some comfort to this family, i am sure.

  3. FW, I heard about this earlier today, but not in this much detail. Directly after I read your post, I HAD to get on my knees, right here by the computer, and pray for that family. From experience, I KNOW that The Holy Ghost can be a comforter and His comfort can be almost like anesthesia for them, so, everyone, keep praying for them. I truly can't imagine what they must be going through. My heart just aches...

  4. What a sad and tragic event! I could not help but tear up as I continued to read your post. I was stopped short by the Farmer and his response to let the Holy Ghost do his job and bring comfort to this mother. I just taught the Primary about the HG this past week and how he is a comforter to a favorite blankie warms us on a cold winter day. I talk about it as if it's a theory but it isn't. It is a glorious truth. What a strong man you have as a husband and what a strength you both will be to this family! You all are in my prayers!

  5. OH my word. How sad. I can not believe this happened. Please tell us more as you know more. What were those two boys doing at that time of night?
    I just know that you are doing all you can for this family. My prayers are with you and them.

  6. that is awful. I'm sorry to hear that.

  7. "... how does a mother bury TWO sons?" i can't even imagine. i have heard that in tragedy you find strength in you that you have never known. i imagine it is the silent moments, heavy with memory, that the pain is unimaginably hard to bear. may she feel the strong arms and the comfort of heaven.

  8. I had to hold my breath as I read your blog today! I can't even imagine such pain and sorrow! They're in our prayers!

  9. So sad... My heart aches for the mother as well. Not fair and not right.

  10. I got the details from my dad, and needless to say, I'm horrified by all of this. I have always loved the De La Cruz family. I can't imagine how tragic this has been. We just cannot even comprehend, and hopefully, never have to.

  11. that mother's pain must seem unbearable. we will certainly pray for all of you to be comforted. i am so sorry.

  12. Reading this blog just brought tears to my eyes yet again. I feel so awful for the De la Cruz family. How can people be so heartless and cruel? It's not fair.

  13. So tragic. What a sad, staggering loss.

    My heart goes out to all of you in the community, especially for the family.
    May the Lord bless you with the peace that is available.
    My prayers are with you.


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