
September 22, 2008


(photo by Shauna Nielsen)
I know...I write alot about how amazing it is to raise children with their cousins as their neighbors, friends and family. But it really is....AMAZING!....These two boys have experienced most of their lives thus far, together. They are boys who have very different likes and dislikes, but they are first and formost cousins and often little moments are captured, like this one, that shows the love and tenderness that they have for each other, even in thier differences. I love that cousin boy like he is my own! In fact, I claim a little of him;) When he was a little guy, he would come to our home for scouts. It was only The Boy and The Cousin, and it was great fun! I have had many fun conversations with The Cousin, he is a wonderful boy! The most touching thing I have witnessed between these sweet cousins, was the night that The Boy came home from the hospital following his terrible car accident, and these two big boys hugged tight and The Cousin said "I am glad you are okay." I shed tears then and I shed them again as I write this post. I know that as different as they are, they love each other, for that I am grateful! And for that reason we live where we do, in a small farming community surrounded by family who love our children as we do, who want the best for our children just as we do. Who celebrate with us when life is good and who stand with us when it is difficult.


  1. How cool! My kids love their cousins too! It's just great! Neat picture!

  2. Love the post. Reminds me of growing up with my cousins... oh how I miss that! =(

  3. i wish my kids had cousins like that close by.
    very sweet, what a blessing.
    and i am loving the shots you all got from the mountain trip

  4. You made me cry too! I am glad that your family there is such a blessing in your life. What we would do without family?

  5. That is a great picture. We miss you! Jen

  6. such good boys. and handsome o my!

    (runs in the family.)


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