
October 6, 2008

Bienvenidos Flat Betty!

A few months ago I invited Flat Betty to come for a visit. She is quite the world traveler and I thought that she would love to add Mexico to her list. Not only do I think she is great...but her cause is even better. Another wonderful reason to have her visit us. If you would like to know more about Betty and her cause please visit her at
When Betty first arrived, she was anxious to get out and see the sights. The biggest "attraction" we have around here is our farms. Since she is a city girl, we thought she would love to see our farms and see what we do there. Here she is in the corn. She couldn't believe how tall the corn grew this year, much above 6 feet, closer to 7 feeet. She was comfortable resting next to an ear of corn...just her size;)
Next, it was out to the Pumpkin Patch, with Little Rooster along for the ride. She thought it was so great that Rooster is so happy with his pumpkins! She said she had never seen so many pumpkins in so many different sizes. She loved the pumpkins.
On to more corn. We grew alot of corn this year....
Then we were off to Uncle Ed's house. He generously offered apples to anyone who wanted some. She thought we should make more applesauce with these tasty apples. I think she is right! You can never have too much applesauce! We ended our visit with some yummy local tacos...which she liked very much! We were happy to send back with Betty, a new pair of pj's and a book about Tinkerbell. Betty assured us that she will find just the right child in need for these pj's and book. What a great cause Betty! Thanks for visiting us in Mexico, we hope that you will come again real soon!


  1. OH it all looks so wonderful!!!!

    thanks for hosting Betty and for sending back the donation of pj's and a new storybook for the pajama program! We appreciate you hosting her and supporting her current cause!

  2. How fun!! I bet Betty will never forget her trip down to Mexico!!

  3. HOW FUNNY! I asked for Flat Betty to come and visit me too! This was just too dang CUTE!


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