
October 14, 2008

A Big Gracias!!

What a fun blog award! Thanks for your kind words and always for your sweet comments! I am so glad that you blogging, it makes me feel like you aren't so far away!
The rules of the award are as follows:
1. Post 6 things about yourself
2. Pass the award onto 6 deserving bloggers!
6 Things About Me
1. Cilantro is not my friend!
2. I love my life....I really do!
3. I am in love with a did that happen?
4. I have a new bedroom set (and it is the way)
5. I have chickens...and enjoy fresh eggs;)
6. I own way too many clocks, and I love them all!
6 Awesome Bloggers
1. Kim - she is so creative and has the most darling blog
2. Jenn - a great friend, that even though I don't see alot
I feel like she is a "soul sista"
3. Suzie Homemaker - an amazing cook, especially baker
and has a wonderful way of writing
4. Jen - she is new to blogging and doing great!
5. Cedar - love catching up with her fun life through her blog
6. Prudance Pennywise - she is practical yet always has amazing food ideas
p.s. 3 of these fine bloggers are my sweet sister-in-laws, and thank goodness they helps me keep up with their families. Love it!


  1. Hi Rachelle -- Have you sent your Flirty Apron Swap package to Cynthia yet? Please email me.

  2. ConGRaTUlaTionS!! You always amaze me with your "kreativeness"!!

  3. Congratulations to you and thank you so much for thinking of me to share it with!

  4. Hey FM, you are so, so, so sweet! I feel the same way and I wish we only lived a little closer. I think the only way we are going to be able to get together is to plan something out! What do you think?
    Thank you again for the awesome comment. You are the best and I so much enjoyed talking to you for a short time on Saturday. See you soon!

  5. Thanks, I need all the encouragement I can get. Know really, it has been so fun to stay connected with you guys and see all you are doing. This blogging has really helped me to start our family journal (with pictures). Thanks again, Jen


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