
October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday PreShie!

This past weekend we celebrated the 14th birthday of PreShie! Oh, and did we ever celebrate.
It all began on our drive home from The Boy's football game, when The Farmer spotted these two men (below) walking along the highway. He quickly turned the truck around....
And asked how much they would charge to sing the traditional Mexican birthday song to PreShie. To which they quickly replied 25 pesos ($2.50 dollars). And so they were hired. And they sang, all the while PreShie grinned. They offered to sing again...another traditional Mexican birthday song..."congratulations it's your birthday" but before they began, the man with the guitar thought it might sound better if he shook out some small rocks that seemed to be in his guitar...and so he did. Seriously he did!
So for $5.00 PreShie was wished a happy birthday, with traditional Mexico style.
Preshie invited just a couple of friends over for her party.....and 15 young ladies later....we carved pumpkins, jumped in the brinca, brinca.........
Yes....she requested a brinca, brinca for her party. I loved that it was the princess castle that arrived. Perfect for a girl who is also known as "Queenie." Oh, who would have known how much that brinca, brinca would be enjoyed. They jump, and jumped!
They puppies really enjoyed the party too! Especially the bones from the yummy steaks The Farmer prepared for the girls.
Everyone carved a pumpkin to take home, and Rooster told The Farmer that this was a complete waste of pumpkins....they could have been sold for $$$
They were all lit with candles, each one unique and darling.
PreShie requested her favorite cake, Pastel de Tres Leches. Yummmmmmm! Good choice PreShie! After eating, jumping, screaming, more jumping, more screaming, a movie, carving, more screaming, lots of popcorn and more jumping. The Farmer ended the evening with fireworks. It was a great celebration for PreShie....Happy Birthday!


  1. OH HOW FUN! Can you plan my next birthday party? :-)
    I loved these pictures and all the fun things!
    What a great time!

  2. What a fabulous party! I'm with CJ, can I have my birthday at your house? Happy birthday, PreShie!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Preshie! I have a cute little 13 yr. old waiting in the wings! His b-day is today...! We'll have to arrange a meeting in a few years!:)

  4. ooops! That was me...I guess I got caught. I'm supposed to be working and I'm BLOGGING! Ssshhhh! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Looks like a great party! Happy Birthday PreShie!

  7. Happy Birthday to Victoria! We heard the fireworks, a little startling until we saw the sparks in the sky. How much fun! She's such a great girl. I love her!

  8. Happy Birthday Victoria. You are growing up too fast.

  9. I am glad PreShie had such a great day! Happy Birthday!

  10. What a wonderful life you are leading... I am a little jealous. I always wanted to live in Mexico! I have visited there MANY times on business and various other reasons... it is such a wonderful place!

    You have been added under the International heading over on Mormon Mommy blogs! Thanks for playing with us!


  11. I can't believe she's already 14! I remember when i used to babysit her.. now she's probably the one doing the babysitting! Such a cute girl!

  12. K, LOVE LOVE LOVE the seranade on the side of the road! How cool is that?! You really know how to throw a GREAT party! Mmmm... now I'm craving Tres Leches...

  13. Okay, so I'm extremely jealous that Preshie got a serenata for her bday! I'm still waiting for mine (preferrabaly outside my bedroom window!) You take beautiful pics, by the way! I always love reading your blog because it puts a warm "remember home" soft spot in my heart!

  14. happy birthday mini me!! love you! the party looks spectacular, as you deserve!

    and your mom's pics are looking so good!

    love ar

  15. I love Mexico, the people, and the culture. Those guys along side of the road-I love it! Cumpleanos alegre PreShie! Fun Times!

  16. Happy Birthday Victoria!! I wish I could have come.( especially for those steaks)

  17. Oh, that is darling that she wanted the brinca brinca! Feliz cumpleanos!

  18. Looks like an absolute blast. How fun!


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