
October 13, 2008

A Needed Reminder

“There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the
dark hour of adversity.”

-Washington Irving

What a great full weekend. Homecoming...always a great time. Loved having my children close to home all weekend. Enjoyed a long and very fun bike ride with a dear friend. We celebrated with a couple begining their lives together, we mourned with a family who said a momentary good-bye to their beloved father. Sunday brought reminders of how blessed we are, through a beautiful Fast and Testimony meeting. Reminders also that we need to discover where our heart really is, by our Stake Patriarch. Oh how we love him. Ending with family and friends enjoying the ever famous popcorn made with love by The Farmer's Mother, a tradition that we love so much. With all that is happening in the world, the uncertainty that we feel, I am grateful for the reminders of how truly blessed we are, I needed the reminder.....
*I discovered this quote on a blog I love to read...this one I will post in my kitchen


  1. Your pumpkins were beautiful. It made my girls day. They have had HOURS of entertainment with that single pumpkin. Thank you!

  2. It sounds like a great weekend! The simple things in life are great!

  3. Good quote. I'll put it in my kitchen too. Does the Farmer's mom have a recipe for the popcorn? Is it top secret? Let me know!:)

  4. PS...stop by my blog...I left you a little award!:)


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