
November 28, 2008


016 I am having a thing with dried corn right now....I think it is amazlingly beautiful! So would I miss this photo opportunity....Noooooooooooooo! The Rooster was free from school today...and yes that is just how he felt...FREE! And what would he like to do most of all on this day of FREEDOM????? Well, ride on the combine while the men are thrashing the corn, of course. I mean really....what else is there to do??!!
The Rooster in his personal "Field of Dreams."
Yes, I worried, and I repeatedly asked The Farmer to please get The Rooster off the combine, or at the very least, inside the combine...but...Nooooooooooooo, said The Farmer, "this is an experience that all young boys should have." Spoken like a true Farmer, don't you think? "He will be fine...he will be just fine." And he was....just fine. Did I mention that it was just beautiful to watch? It really was.
A wonderful Fall afternoon!


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