
This Is What Friendship Looks Like...

A group of men who have known each other for most of thier lives. Several,
since childhood. Many years have passed and they have all taken different paths,
and those paths don't cross too often for some of them. One of the friends
is suffering from an illness that will take his life. He has a wonderful son
who has somewhat given up his youth to help care for his family. And so one
friend suggests they all meet, and why not meet at the National Finals Rodeo
in Las Vegas.
And so the plan is set in motion. The friends all come from different directions
to meet. The drive is long, but worth it for everyone.
Lots of laughs, lots of memories.
Lots of eating. Friendships renewed. A son (of the ill friend) more grateful
than words could express (although he repeated his gratitude over and over).
This is what friendship looks like!

p.s. They all enjoyed the rodeo too!

December 9, 2008

A Few Of My Favorite Things - Part 1

Over the next several days I am going to post a few of my favorite Christmas things.
Mostly for my personal documentation. Traditions are a wonderful thing, and it seems
that Christmas is full of the. I love advent calendars! Love them! Here are some darling
and creative ways to countdown for Christmas.

This is from my ever creative sister-in-law Kim. She always has the best ideas.
This is from Kim's friend....I love it!
I love this one most of all! Perfectly wrapped little presents. How fun to
open each one!
And finally....Our family Advent Calendar. This was made for me by a dear
friend. We have enjoyed it since the kids were very little. They look forward to
turning each number over, as if they didn't know what it will say when completed;)
Chirstmas just wouldn't be the same for us if we didn't have this calendar out!

December 5, 2008

Can I Just Say.........

This will be a very random post....just a little warning;)
The Boy has injured his knee, in a basketball game last night... becasue he has such a high tolerance of pain, and is extreemly MACHO, we will be visiting the Dr. to see how much damage has really been done. He has a tournament coming up, and so we are hoping that it isn't too bad.
I LOVE enchiladas! Don't know what I am feeling so strongly about that right now, well.....actually I do, I had them for breakfast;) but seriously, they have to be the best food on planet earth.

Cheer tryouts are OVER!! Thankfully!!! And thanks to some dear friends for helping me out yesterday as judges. And P.S. my dear friends, when the Mother's start to call, I will be sure to tell them that it was all the "judges" decision and I had nothing at all to do with the outcome! Did I say...Thanks again for your help??;)
*Yesterday, I reconnected with a friend from my childhood. I don't know that she visits this blog....but if she does....I just want her to know that I love her and think she is wonderful just as she is. I admire her passion for life, I hope we will stay connected for a very long time!
*Last night, The Farmer and I attended the Temple Christmas devotional and it was wonderful. What I would like to say is Christy W. you are amazing! Your voice is fantastic! Your version of O Holy Night was the perfect begining to this wonderful Christmas season...Thank you!
And thus ends my randomness!

December 3, 2008

Beautiful Christmas Ideas

Because this is the focus of my life at the moment....I thought I would share some beautiful ideas that I found.

I am such a fan of garland! I have it around my windows, around my door, around my entertainment center and if i can find anyhere else to put it...I will! I thought this garland, above, was just beautiful.

And finally, a great way to show off Christmas cards! I loved this idea!
Happy decorating to you!