
December 21, 2008

This Is What Friendship Looks Like...

A group of men who have known each other for most of thier lives. Several,
since childhood. Many years have passed and they have all taken different paths,
and those paths don't cross too often for some of them. One of the friends
is suffering from an illness that will take his life. He has a wonderful son
who has somewhat given up his youth to help care for his family. And so one
friend suggests they all meet, and why not meet at the National Finals Rodeo
in Las Vegas.
And so the plan is set in motion. The friends all come from different directions
to meet. The drive is long, but worth it for everyone.
Lots of laughs, lots of memories.
Lots of eating. Friendships renewed. A son (of the ill friend) more grateful
than words could express (although he repeated his gratitude over and over).
This is what friendship looks like!

p.s. They all enjoyed the rodeo too!

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