
March 25, 2009

One Down....Two To Go

Jordan with Braces
It began like this (above)...more than two years ago.
And last Saturday, The Boy came home looking like this! We had forgotten what
he looked like without the braces. He is sure glad it is all over with!
He's been in an extra good mood the last several days...PreShie doesn't
appreciate the new mood too much.
Now, if the time could just pass quickly for PreShie and her braces.....
And Rooster and his braces.....
Last week Mexico celebrated the birthday of Benito Juarez, who was considered
a great leader here. The Rooster was preparing for a band concert last week,
and combed his hair very carefully and slicked it down very well, and I do
mean very well;) Carefully put on his white shirt and tie. When we were leaving
the house he asked, "Mom, how do I look?" to which I answered, "Oh, Roostie,
you look so very handsome!" and then he said..."The kids in my class say that I
look just like Benito Juarez when I comb my hair this way....what do you think?"
And here is Benito Juarez, on Mexico's 20 peso bill.
What do you think? Do you see the likeness???
I haven't laughed so hard in quite a long time....
A Mother just couldn't be prouder!!


  1. Cute pictures! I see that the room looks done. Can't wait to see pictures of it. (hint, hint)

  2. Jordan looks so handsome. what a beautiful smile!!!!!! And oh my word, what a laugh I got out of Rooster looking like Benito Juarez! I don't see any resemblance, but how funny that his friends think that. What a good laugh to start my day!

  3. Ooohhh! I feel Jordan's JOY! Got my 2nd round of braces off two years ago....a great day!:)
    LOVE Roostie's hair...we call that "dance hair" at our house...all slicked down, ready for the dance (back in the day!) :)

  4. What an uncanny resemblance Riley and Benito have? Maybe you should consider a DNA test :)

  5. So dang Funny! I kinda do see the resemblance. I think it is the hairstyle. No-one is as cute as Roostie though!

  6. i remember the day i got my braces off too. i was probably the same age as jordan. he looks so very handsome.

  7. I'm ready to see pictures of your new addition! Hurry, hurry... I want to see pics of that new living room!!!

  8. That's so funny! And I love that he did this all on his own! ;p)

    Did you make the FHE board on the wall in the 2nd picture? I really love it and have been wanting to do one like that!!


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