
April 28, 2009

I Have Learned To Appreciate It's Beauty

Growing up the in the desert, I didn't really develop an appreciation
of the beauty that is there. In fact, I always had this
idea that "green" was better. So when I traveled to places that were
"green" I thought that they were somehow better than
where I came from.

I felt this way until I served a mission in Virginia, which by the way, I love with
all of my heart. When I returned to Arizona after my mission I found beauty
in the desert that I had never seen or appreciated before.

Now, I find myself stopping along the highway taking pictures of the incredible
beauty that is found in the Arizona desert.
With The Darlings yelling from the car...."you have got to be kidding me!"
"Why do you need sooooo many pictures of that cactus???"
But, The Farmer agreed, and since he was driving...I got to stop as much as I wanted,
to photograph the fantastic desert of Arizona.
And it was fantastic!


  1. I too was an adult before I could appreciate the beauty of the desert. It really is spectacular!!!

  2. taking pictures is half the fun of car travel. these are nice. and yes, now i see the beauty of the desert much more so than as a kid.
    really love these shots.

  3. My favorite pic...the one you put at the top of your blog with your blog is beautiful. You have a good eye for these things!:)

  4. TEACH ME!! coming from the northwest, i have yet to find the beauty in the desert!

  5. pretty pics shelley. and what good looking models!

  6. i know what you mean! I miss the desert now, and think it's beautiful everytime i go home.

  7. is it okay if i feature one of these spring pics on my blog?


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