
August 13, 2009

Socks.....Clean or Dirty???

First, can I just say...
and here is another reason why....
I have had a stiff neck for going on two weeks now. I know why. I have a terrible mattress! Seriously, The Farmer and I have purchased so many mattresses it is sillly. We cannot find one we love. That is another story completely. Anyway, back to the neck problem. I cannot turn my head comfortably in either I just move my eyes.
The sweet lady that helps us in our house, noticed that the problem just wasn't going away. She, very seriously approached me and said that she knew exactly what was wrong and how it could be fixed. She said...and I do quote...."the reason your neck hurts is because your husband has a noose around your neck and he is slowly tightening it," and this is where I said....hummmmmm..
..then she said, "If you want to fix your neck, take one of The Farmer's tube socks....put it behind your neck....hold each end with your hands...and move back and forth, massaging your neck....
and the pain will leave." The Farmer thought that sounded great...with the exception that, he recommended that the sock that he had worn for the entire day....with his boots....would be the sock I should use.
I didn't try it!
(but my neck is feeling a little better today..thank goodness!)


  1. there you are!

    socks? who knew. i'll have to try that next time i can't turn my head.
    it happens far too often.

  2. That is too funny that she said that! Hey, you should try one of those memory foam mattresses. We totally LOVE ours, and the memory foam pillows, too. They sell them at Costco. I have to take mine with me everywhere I go now because I can't sleep with anything else!

  3. that is too funny, i just love all the superstitions you hear down here!

  4. Okay--does that happen because we are getting older or what!!

  5. I always suspected that Kelly was slowly choking you to death. Sounds like you are spending too much time in front of the computer - doubt it has anything to do with your matress.

  6. I would love to smell those socks! Any men want to send me some dirty socks? Email me

  7. minimulism(floor sleeping and shoeless)
    permaculture(its ligit)


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