
October 4, 2009

Where In The World Is.......????

The weekend found us on the road again....another football game for The Boy.
We are having so much fun following the team.
I had really heard alot about Marfa, Texas, mostly comments like,
"there is nothing in is a looooooong drive, not worth the trip."
Well, I must be easily entertained because The Farmer and I had a great time!!
When you are fairly near the border of Mexico and the US, you will often find these types
of stations.
The "balloon" is huge, and has camera equipment to monitor the traffic along the border.
the illegal type of traffic.
They seem to be in very remote areas.
Some friends told us that there was a Prada store in Marfa, and I did know enough to know
that there must be some joke involved. No joke.....just some modern art.
Really..... the point was to show the most urban of ideas in the most rural of settings.
It was fun to see!
Marfa is the home to the historic Paisano Hotel. It is the hotel where all of the celebrities stayed while filming "Giant." Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor were just a couple who stayed there. It has been completely restored and it really great!
The town is filled with art galleries and darling boutique type shops.
Marfa is famous for the Marfa Mystery Lights. After the football game, The Farmer
and I drove to the observation area in hoped of seeing the mysterious lights,
and yes.....we saw them! There were many people sitting in lawn chairs with telescopes
admiring the lights. It was interesting and fun.
It was a fun weekend.....we will certainly go back next year!


  1. That sounds like fun although that balloon or whatever it is looks a little intimidating!

  2. that actually sounds like a fun little town to me too!

  3. Who knew that Marfa had so many treasures!

  4. I have been to Marfa lots of times! Darron once scored 42 points in a basketball game in Marfa! I never saw the prada store!


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