
January 20, 2010

Memory Lane

The Boy had Basketball games, and we followed.
Not much there....just alot of memories for The Farmer.
Lordsburg is located along the I-10, on what once was Route 66. It was a road he traveled as a child, on the way to his Grandmother's house.
Many years ago, The Farmer's Father purchased a cattle ranch a little less than an hour from Lordsburg. So again during the years many trips were made to the now quiet town.
My creation
Some of the old un-occupied buildings have beautiful tile work on them.
The colors still vibrant.
One of The Farmer's best memories of this town was of


Home of the most greasy tacos that you might ever eat. They were pretty good.
He remembers eating those tacos and that he really liked them.
Not much has changed in the El Charro
Not the food. Not the owners (still in the same family). Not the tables or chairs.
Not the country music playing on the radio. Not the kitchen. Not the old organ that
stands in the corner of what used to be the bar.
Not much has changed.
My creation Can I just say that those pancakes were darn yummy....I think they must have been deep fried...

My creation It was fun to watch The Boy's basketball games.
The team is such a great group of young men that we have grown to love.
We had some great laughs, The Boy played well. The Farmer shared some fond memories
from his childhood. It was a lovely weekend in,



  1. I can't believe that in all the times i went to Lordsburg as a cheerleader, we never ate at that restaurant! I must have missed out!

  2. those tacos look yum!

    how tall is your son, now?

    isn't it fun to go along and document everything in digital?!

    so glad to see Jesus Christ is welcome in NM!

  3. You truly made Lordsburg look ultra inviting! Of course, you always take fabulous pictures and manage to see the beauty in all things... even in LordsB!


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