
February 4, 2010

The Roosters' Fried Egg Sandwich...

per his instructions.....
toast 2 slices of wheat bread
fry an egg....make sure it is all the way cooked
put mayo on the bread
cut slices of tomato (without cutting your finger...)
put the tomato on the bread
put the egg on top of the tomato
put some onion on top of the egg (YUK!!)
then some avocado
then some cooked bacon
then some ketsup and mustard
then some ham (YUM!)
then some lettuce.
I think it all started when I was expecting The Rooster....I became very addicted to the Food Network. And the boy loves to cook. And he is pretty good at it too. He likes to make "special sauces" and all kinds of other things. The Farmer is known to ask The Rooster to whip him up a little something.....often. And The Rooster likes to do things for that Farmer.
He makes a killer....Fried Ramen Soup.....Oh, I think we will save that for another day.
Here's to Chef Rooster....that is one tasty sandwich!

My creation
A family tradation continued.....the pudding dishes.
When The Farmer was a little man.....his Mom would lovlingly make puddings and other sweets
(healthy ones) like Carob Pudding, and serve them in these little dishes. They are
just the perfect size! Not too big, not too little. A few years ago she was
getting rid of some things and asked if I would like the pudding dishes. Along with
the dishes came some fun stories and some sweet memories. We have loved
and used the dishes....mostly on Family Home Evening night.
There's nothing like a family tradation!
*the pudding is a cooked pudding made with Grandma Vicki's secret ingredient...
canned milk.....oh it is pretty yummy!


  1. oh, i could so go for a sandwich like that!
    if the rooster and i ever meet- that's gonna be my request!

  2. I want some, but I don't think those would stack so good. And I definitely would not have room for them in my little kitchen.

    BUt, what a fun tradition.

  3. That sandwich looks great! I love the pudding cups--so fun to have things with memories!

  4. This is actually making my mouth water. I am closing your blog now. Not able to get these ingredients at this hour of the night!


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