
April 5, 2010


My creation
He turned 83 years old two weeks ago, and when asked what he wanted for his birthday...
he quickly said, "A trip to the stairs!"
And so we went.
He is the "Godfather" of our family. He has been an amazing example of everything good, for the whole family. We love and appreciate him more than he will ever know!

Uncle Tony, The Farmer and Uncle Merriner.....ready to head to the mountains.
Each family took a lunch and a little extra to share, climbed on 4 wheelers, and headed to
"The Stairs" in search of lost treasure;)
In 1912 the early settlers on our area were forced to leave because of the Mexican Revolution.
There are so many touching and faith building stories that come from that time, they are told over and over again, so that we won't ever forget what they went through.
At one point, all of the women and children were put on a train to El Paso Texas, the men were left behind to secure the livestock so that they would be safe. Also at that time, the records that had been kept (church) were taken and placed in a tin box and burried by the leaders of the church at that time. They camped near a river and left very clear instructions of how they left their camp on horseback to search for a safe location to burry the records.
They even took a picture. But the records have never been found.

My creation
We all gathered at Aunt Trishas home, and then spent the next two hours making our way
to the base camp of these early settlers. Most of the group rode 4 wheelers, "motos"
with a few trucks following along. We stopped for lunch along the side of a small lake, a fire was built, burritos were toasted by the fire, tamales were warmed, and little bundles of asparagus were placed in the fire to warm......oh my goodness were they good!
(thanks to Uncle Ron!)

My creation
Uncle Merriner then shared the details of the story of the burried records, show pictures, and we all set out on the hunt. The Farmer studied and studied the notes and pictures, determined to find the location. What began as a leisurely trip, became quite a serious hunt!
A future trip was planned, a family campout.....where the search will continue!

119 Some fine young men decided that this would be the time to get a tan....
(the tatoo is not real....a remnant of a high school play the night before)
They provided some laughs for the whole group,
I think they impressed themselves most of all ......

It was a beautiful day, the secenery was fantastic! From pink orchards, to impressive rock formations.....a litte running water and a slight cast of green on the mountains.
The best part of the day was enjoying the company of a wonderful family and a great Uncle!
The day before the trip, Aunt Shauna was talking to Uncle Merriner, telling him that Saturday (the day of the trip) was packed full of events that we all needed to attend. After listing them all, and asking him if there might be another time we could all go...Uncle Merriner said
"tomarrow we will find out, who has their priorities in the right place..."
How can you say no to that????
We love you Tio!!!


  1. it looks like it was really fun. i'm glad so many people could go. i guess our priorities were out of wack that day. : )

  2. I've decided I can't look at your blog anymore because all it makes me do is get teary-eyed with homesickness! :-)

  3. I'll have to make sure my dad sees your post! It will please him!!

  4. It is great to have traditions--and to know what your priorities are!

  5. What a fun day. You make living here sound so adventurous. Thanks.

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog

    I am following you now and would love if you would follow me too! :)

    Your photos are great! I love your header pic as well! :)

    Have a great weekend!


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