
April 19, 2010

Meet Harvey....

Ahhhhhhhh, Harvey.....
A year or so ago....Uncle Pingo showed up with the most darling mini horse. Quickly his little girls named her Valentine. And they led her around like a dog and she loved it!
They rode her almost everyday. She was, and continues to be, a lovely little mini horse.
Well, a little time passed and Valentine started to get a little chubby....and then it was obvious...she was pregnant. Oh you can only imagine the excitement! Another darling little mini for each of Uncle Pingo's little ladies. Valentine got bigger and bigger....each day the family wondered if that would be the day the new little mini horse would be born.
And finally the day came.....
It didn't quite turn out the way we all thought it would.
It didn't look quite right......hummmm.....
Instead of a darling little mini horse....a DONKEY......was born. DONKEY!
After great disappointment, and some interesting name ideas.....(Honkey....and a few others...)
Harvey was named. Harvey doesn't know what he is. He was raised with dogs...and so he thinks he is part dog. No one told him that he is a mini donkey....He thinks he is a full size stud horse. He is pretty darn Macho...and not afraid to show it. He loves people.....he loves to bite people....especially the kids and he makes a noise like a donkey and a horse and a dog combined.
It is a very interesting noise.
My creation
The kids love to play with Harvey....and he likes them too....until he gets tired of them...
and then he bites them.
And then they run away screaming and then Harvey feels sad.
For a minute anyway,
and then the whole process begins again. Saturday while we were doing a little cotton burning....Harvey noticed that we were in front of his pasture and came running as fast as he could to get a little attention. He made his signature "noise," then The Darlings thought it would be the perfect time for a ride. First, PreShie climbed on and rode around for a little while. When she was done, she carefully climbed off Harvey....and then Harvey started to chase her...she ran and ran....screaming to the top of her lungs....fearing the dreaded Harvey bite! Luckily she made it to safety without a problem. Next, Cousin Joe approached Harvey, and Harvey quickly turned on him and chased Cousin Joe to the top of a nearby fence. Then Cousin Loly gave it a shot....the bottom right photo is of her nearly getting bit.
My creation
Then The Boy took over. He began to chase Harvey and Harvey was running for dear life! Next, he thought a little "bull/Harvey" fighting would be in order. Harvey played along for a few minutes and then he was board with that. Then The Boy got a great idea.....why not do a little they do in the rodeos....with cows. Why not with Harvey.
And so the games began.
Harvey vs. The Boy
My creation
It went on for several minutes....all the while a bit of a crowd gathered at the fence to see who would prevail. Harvey was growing tired. I think he just finally gaveup so The Boy would go away. And The Boy....well....he wasn't about to be beaten by Harvey, after all his pride was at stake. Dust flew, and the sutbborn little mini donkey ended up on the ground....with The Boy sitting on top of him. Can I just say....I have not laughed so hard in many years....
In fact I am laughing now just thinking about it again~
I often thank The Darlings for providing me with such great entertainment......
after is the least they could do for room and board....
don't you think?


  1. poor harvey! that was fun to read!

  2. k, that is the weirdest animal i have ever seen....

    i think you should've gone with the name Honkey! that's funny!

  3. That boy is so handsome. Seriously. You and the farmer make a great recipe for kids!

  4. Would that make Jord a Honkey wrestler?

  5. That is hillarious! Wish I were there to witness the showdown in person!:)

  6. That is too funny!!! I told Frank the other day that while Lynnette, Jennifer and I were walking Harvey chased Farrah... my German Shepherd!! Seriously, he did it several times!! We about died laughing! That MULE is a real character!!!


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