
April 14, 2010

Photo Walls

Lately I have wanted everything in my home to have some "meaning."
Each wall displaying something that makes us feel good. That makes us want to be better.
That makes us feel loved. That reminds us who we are, and what is most important to us.
Some of the walls have paintings done by The Farmer. Those are extra special to me.
Sometimes I hear The Darlings discuss which of The Farmer's paintings they love the most, and which one they hope to hang in their home someday.
That makes me happy.
Other walls display painting of the Savior, temples, and phrases that "speak" to us.
One wall in our family extra large wall, is beginning to fill with pictures
of The Darlings. They ask for more and more pictures. Now for balance....
How much is too much???
Or can you really have too many pictures of your family and children?
In searching for ideas, for the perfect photo wall, I came across a few ideas....
This wall is beautifully done....not quantity....quality!
I loved this one too. The door almost seems like another frame.....
framing the scenery outside. I love the use of black frames.

I like the idea of using shelves to add dimension.
Photos on canvas are so beautiful too! You can focus on just the photo....
not what it is framed in.

Up the stairs......
I love the thought of The Darlings baby pictures leading up the stairs....
This is something I have wanted to do for a long time....

Beautiful balance....
Grandma Vicki recently made a display of family pictures on the walls of her dining room....
It is so nice! The best part of the display, is watching each grandchild...and the adults too.....
search for the pictures that apply to them. Without fail, discussions begin and special moments are remembered. Seeing all of the pictures of the family together inspires a feeling of belonging.
A reminder of who they are, and how much they are loved.


  1. I love this idea too! I'm planning on doing some more canvases for our bedroom but in (wish me luck) color. I hope it works. I think any kind of photo wall is brilliant and beautiful! xoxo

  2. i am sooo picky on picture and wall displays- i tend to go simple and few-
    i have one similar to the first--not framed but only wrapped in canvas as shown.

    going up stairs- not my favorite look -


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