
April 11, 2010

Spring Break....And A Sad Chicken Accident....

Semana Santa (Spring Break) found us in Mesa to spend a little time with Grandpa and Grandma S. and the rest of the family!
Mesa is my all time favorite place during Easter, and this is why...

The Easter Pagent with Ned's Krazy Sub's (a must)

The smell of orange blossoms,

Fanstastic weather


I did say Ned's Krazy Sub....right??;)

Just a few of the many reasons.......

We were so sad to leave The Farmer behind...(he left for Conference a few days after us)

We were really happy when he joined us on his way home from Utah.

My creation While in Mesa we.....

"Rode the rail" to Phoenix

Had lunch at the Spaghetti Factory...(an institution)
You can see...The Rooster was just thrilled!

We had all of the "grand-girls" and a couple of the "grand-boys" with us,

Grandma Vicki hosts a great party!

My creation There was a sleep over....

The Easter Bunny found The Darlings....

Some people wore their Easter Baskets on their head....

We colored Easter Eggs...

We shopped...

Saw movies....

Some of us spent ALOT of time with a "dear friend";)

Others spent some quality time at Deseret Book.....shhhhhhh....don't tell!

An incredible photo shoot with Aunt Kim...

All in all...a complete success of a trip!

My creation On the way home we decided to make a stop in Thatcher, AZ.

The Boy wanted to take his BFF cousin...the darling lunch for her birthday,

So while he was doing that, we went on a search for chickens.....

This is the thing....

We had a very tragic chicken accident at our house a couple of weeks ago.
No need to re-hash the whole thing again, but the chickens are gone.

Except for one....the poor thing.

We are now the proud owners of 20 new chicks, of all varities.

We were lucky enough to find them at a feed store in Safford....where in case you have

a free moment while you are getting some chickens, you can go next door for a tattoo.

How about that?!!

We purchased the chicks....packed them in a box.....

put them into the to The Rooster...who cared for them so tenderly
until we arrived home.

Once we arrived home, he promptly made them the best little nest in town where they would

be warm, where they will live until they are bigger.

So Fun!!!!

We also ran onto one of our most favorite missionaries in the whole world....

Hermana Sandra Hernandez

She is beautiful as always and having a fantastic mission!

007 We also caught a glimpse of the Gila Valley Temple,

Open House coming very soon.

It is beautiful!


Today (Sunday) ends Semana Santa,

The Darlings will return to school and life will become full of schedules again...

Sleeping in late...

Afternoon fishing trips....

A house FULL of teenagers....

Movie night at Aunt S.'s house....

will all become but a memory of a wonderful 2 weeks!


  1. Thanks for sharing the temple picture. It's beautiful.
    Fun times in store for the Valley people.

  2. your mom is forever young!

    sounds like you packed a lot in!

    can you believe the easter bunny was no where in sight, for us, this year...
    my kids didn't get so much as a chocolate bunny!!!


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