
April 28, 2010

A Weekend In Review....

Who knew that so much could be packed into one weekend!
Friday found us in Thatcher, Az for the
Gila Valley Temple, open house. It began as a family trip and ended up with just The Rooster and I in the car.
The Farmer had church responsibilities to attend to.....
Preshie had cheer try-outs....
And ...The Boy....was in St. George attending prom.
On Saturday morning, a group of family members arrived from Mesa, so that we could all attend the open house togther. Grandpa and Grandma S. were kind enough to organize a perfectly wonderful day. The temple is amazing! What really struck me was the fantastic artwork that was found all through. Our cousins has the great opportunity to install the glass, which made it extra special for us. I am always amazed who a community comes together for an experience like this. The youth of the area were involved in service, people came from many miles away to serve, and everyone had a big smile on their face. It was a beautiful experience.

I have lived in the desert my entire life. I have never seen it as beautiful as it was this past weekend. Flowers were blooming everywhere, the colors were vibrant and just plain breath-taking. I must have said a million The Rooster....that I could not believe how beautiful the deseret was. In Isaiah 38, there is a scripture that says that the "......deseret will bloom like a rose in celebration....." I was talking to The Farmer about the beauty and he remebered, how around the time of the dedication of the temple here in our area....that it was exceptionally beautiful. The grass was tall and everything seemed to in a mode of "celebration." I had forgotten about that.....but appreciated his reminder.

I love this picture....the interaction between everyone!
It was amazing to have this special experience, with a family I love with all my heart!

And this is the reason that we love our temples so very much.....

The Boy had the opportunity to attend prom in St. George with a dear dear friend Saturday.
Chelsea is really like a sister, and daughter......we love her!
He spent time getting to know her life in St. George, meeting her friends.....and just having a darn good time at the dance......
I hear through the grapevine....that he really enjoyed dinner;)

He had a fantastic time!
This weekend also brough the passing of a dear member of our community....Chelsea's grandma. Her loss will be felt.....Her family is amazing! .....and what a treat it has been to have them all in town to celebrate her life. Sister Rinda has been an example of everything good. While I laid in bed, pregnant with The Rooster....she came and sat with me day after day, keeping me company and sharing her wisdom. Something I won't forget.
It was a full weekend.....and a very special weekend!

1 comment:

  1. i didn't know jordan went to st. george. that makes me feel all tender inside. chelsea looks beautiful.


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