
May 17, 2010

I Was Just Thinking.....

This weekend was full of cleaning.....
It was a good thing!
PreShie got to earn a little $$$ and I was able to get some things done that had been bothering me. I have a little OCD with the house being clean. I know that I must be totally behind the "times" but I recently came across the Magic Eraser....which had changed my life! REALLY!
I have alot of white wood work in my home and this has really helped. It has, in fact, been a great help on many other things within the house as well.
I love it!
Okay.....again....another thing that I am behind on.......

I knew that it cleaned clothes....but who knew that it does grout too!
My grout in my entry and my kitchen too....has been bothering me for a long time. I even purchased "The Shark" (steamer) to clean it didn't work like I thought it would, nor as it was advertised that it would. So after a little research online....and with R2 (my dear sister-in-law) it seemed like this product would be worth a try. I applied the mixture of Oxiclean and water......scrubbed.......let it sit awhile......scrubbed again.....and rinsed (mulitple times) and at first the grout didn't seem much different....but as it dried it became beautifully white! HORRAY! When I pointed it out to The Farmer he said...."I didn't think it looked bad to begin with." Oh, wow, that didn't make me feel too good.....but then....PreShie came through the door and said..."Mom, your floors are so bright!" (with her hands held up over her eyes to sheild the brightness). I am not sure if she really thought they were bright, or that she had watched me cleaning all day on my hands and knees.....I don't really care what the reason was.....I was just so glad she said it!! I like her;) Anyway, just a little tip...if you need a great grout cleaner...this is the one for you!

The Hummingbirds are back....they make me really happy!
PreShie tried to cut back on the sugar to water ratio, on their food.....
they didn't like it at all! Now everything has been adjusted, and they are happy again!


Kitty Meow Meow, has resumed his position and is anxiously awaiting the
opportunity to get himself a little bird.....I spend the day chasing him away!

This weekend the celebrations began for a dear nephew who will be graduating this week. It is a time full of many emotions for our family. He is the first....of the second graduate and it will mean that my kids are not far behind. It should be a fun full week...and I am sure that many tears will be shed.


We had a very strange week last involved these (above)
I have said that I would not write about the sad events in our area....what is the point??
We choose to look forward with faith.
This was very close to home....
These kind of events really make you think.....
We are blessed because we are safe.....

1 comment:

  1. i know and love the magic eraser-
    didn't know about the oxi clean tip- but i'm gonna try it in my girls bathroom.

    i love hummingbirds

    i like reading your happy day to day's. :)


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