
May 4, 2010

Tomorrow Is The Day......

Tomorrow is the day....she comes home!
Sis. Bethany
Has 18 months really passed by??? Some days it has seemed terribly slow and other days it has passed so fast. But tomorrow we will welcome her home~

Just a random picture that Cousin Niki took of The Boy and his Caballero.
It was taken just a few days ago, while The Boy "worked" his beloved horse. That Boy was meant to be on a horse! With a simple whistle his horses come running to him.
He treats them with love and respect......and they in turn love him.
When he is troubled....they comfort and heal his soul. It is a joy to watch them together!
(fantastic picture Niko.....I love it!!!)


  1. fantastic picture indeed.

    i always wished i had a horse....

  2. Great picture! I can remember when your mom had Bethany--does that make me old!

  3. The investigators and ELDERS will be sad to see Bethany go. Seems she just left. I was down picking up chile and you had all gone out to eat before she was to leave.


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