
June 22, 2010

Sunday Afternoon......

My creation

Sunday afternoon, after attending church....which p.s. The Darlings were the only, and I do mean only teenagers in the place....(we'll be attending another ward next week) anyway, we decided that an afternoon drive in the canyon would be in order. It was Father's Day....we were missing The Farmer, so we drove. Auntie came along too.
I must have said the word beautiful something like a gazillion times...The Darlings were
beginning to mock me. But seriously, it is fantastically beautiful in Utah right now.
It made me think of a quote.....
"they cannot fully comprehend its presence, for they new not its absence."
And so "Utah" can you possibly really understand what you have here????
Every yard is manicured. Flowers blooming, grass cut....landscaped to perfection.
Just a little side note......
The rest of the world isn't like this! Certainly some neighborhoods are lovely,
but not like Utah....the beautiful gardens are not the exception....they are the rule.
Thank Utah people....who make this place exceptional!


Our drive began in Provo Canyon....which I might add was FULL of celebrations....
lots of fishing, hiking and picnics......hummmmm.
(I'm not judging....)
Anyway, we found ourselves in Midway. I have always loved Midway, but I hadn't been there in has it developed. We found this great barn on the edge of Deer Creek.
It was fun to read the history of the barn.

We visited The Homestead. The flowers were beyond fantastic!


We walked around to the garden in the can tell by this picture...the state of The Darlings by this point. The Boy is always good for a smile...PreShie was just irritated...if I remember right, irritated by The Boy....and The Rooster was just mad, and wouldn't turn around for the photo. Some interesting quotes were overheard....(spoken by The Darlings)... like...."hey look at those huge ducks just sitting there.....get a rock quick!"

By The Boy...
"Mom, this spot (above) is where I am going to propose to my wife!"
Mom: "Really, what if you don't live here at that time?"
The Boy: "Well then we will just drive from where ever we are, and come back here."
Mom: "That is really cute....maybe you won't feel the same in like 10 years..."
The Boy: "Oh yes I will!!!.....what????.....10 years???"

My creation

Another beautiful barn......
I do love a great barn!
We are so enjoying our time here in Utah! I carry my camera with me everywhere I go,
the photo opportunities are endless!


  1. We were just there dropping off our 2nd son at BYU. I didn't want to leave--it was so beautiful.

  2. maybe someday you could have a 2nd home in these here parts.

    great shots, woman! you just get better and better with that camera.

    btw- our family has been known to drive up the canyon for a little hike or picnic on a Sunday afternoon.
    it's all good.
    we here in Utah, have not only beautiful yards and manicured highways, but our own set of Sunday rules as well. ;)

  3. Pedaling my dear friend....
    I am not judging....
    just saying....;)

  4. Growing up my mom always talked about her "Utah mountains". I never quite understood her until I lived there myself. Yes, I always say if I have to leave HOME, I am going to Utah! Beautiful pictures.

  5. I love Utah in the summer--so beautiful! I drove Clay up to Flagstaff for EFY and we were both commenting on how Arizona kind of looks burnt in the summer.

  6. Beautiful pictures! I love Utah too although my kids say that is only because I have not had to endure year after year of the snowy winters! I love the spring the best! The Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving point is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!

  7. I know what you mean about the beautiful flowers. perfect weather for them! It's always humbling to come back south of the border!


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