
June 17, 2010

Two Days....Two Countries And Three States Later......


This trip has been in the making for months!

The Darlings are all old enough now to participate in summer camps at BYU.....

and so.....Two days.....many hours.....two countries and three states later we arrived in

Provo to begin our Summer vacation. We picked up Auntie Beth in Mesa.....she

is moving to Utah to begin school.....we left The Rooster behind with The Farmer....

(he needed to finish school) and took off on a long trip!

I hadn't been through Northern Arizona for several years....and it did not disappoint!

It was fantastically beautiful.


The last time the kids had been through this area...they were really too young to appreciate it.

I am not sure that they appreciated it this time.....but they noticed.


Always a favorite stop.....

the Navajo Indian jewerly stands....


The Boy was the "DJ" for the trip....he kept us in some pretty good tunes for a good part

of the drive. It was fun to drive along with The Boy....we had many great discussions....

I like him!



Found some Buffalo along the way......

met Grandpa and Grandma S.......along with way......

It rained a good part of the was pretty darn cold when we arrived in Provo....

not what we were expecting....but it was beautiful!


Monday morning found...PreShie in Basketball camp....and The Boy in Football camp.
The first day she sprained her ankle.....
thankfully not too bad and she was playing again the next day.


Monday....The Boy began his football camp. This is what he learned......

He isn't as large as he thought he was....
It really hurts when you go up against a guy around 5 times your size....
The BYU team trainers are really great to have around....
Coach Mendenhall is a great man and it feels good when he notices you and says
"Good Job"
The dorm food isn't too good....
Working hard and feeling sore at the end of the week is a good thing!
Monday Basketball will start for The Boy....he is excited about that.

Monday PreShie began Basketball camp....This is what she learned....
She is not as tall as she feels most of the time....
Again...the dorm food....not that great...
That a sprained ankle....on the first day.....won't keep you from playing....
You should really shave you legs BEFORE you tape you ankle...
That she really does enjoy basketball more than she is willing to admitt.
Next Monday she will be attening EFY.

And if you are wondering what I learned this week while The Darlings were busy......
Roses bloom in Provo like no where else! It is amazing!
The Brick Oven is still the best!
It hails in Provo...and a person can run really fast when they need to move their car...
I've had alot of opportunity to reflect on great memories....of an earlier life in Provo.
I miss The Farmer and The Rooster!
The Rooster will arrive Saturday....The week.
It's going to be a wonderful summer!

1 comment:

  1. so, you're still in town?
    you do plan on calling me, right?


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