
July 10, 2010

Reunited And It Feels So Good......


It is a little late....but totally worth the post.....
Our 4th of July celebration began on the 3rd of the local Red Lobster.
After a little shopping to get Preshie ready for EFY we met for lunch. It was tasty,
and full of families celebrating the 4th too. A few interesting conversations were overheard......
*From a small child...."hey mom, when are we going to see Carrie UnderDEAD"
*From a not so small child...."why are you picking your teeth with my straw??"
*From a child who thinks he's an adult...
"I give my opinion....and people write it down..."
*From an adult who wishes they could return to childhood....
"hey Boy....why do you have all of those wristbands on....did you make a trip to the hospital?"
*From another adult...momentarily visiting his childhood....
"did you get the high seats??? (at the Stadium Of Fire)
"I Like to feel the thrust of the jet engines as they pass by...."
Wow! So many great discussion in such a small space;)

Next, we moved the party to Uncle Tom's in Springville.
They host an annual party for the 4th in their backyard. He and Aunt Charli are the best hosts around. The food was wonderful and better than the food....childhood friends were reunited.
This group spent a good amount of their early years together,
The Farmer, Uncle Jim, Uncle Tom, Uncle Dave, and Carlos Nielsen.
They had a chance to catch up, share some memories and share even more laughs!
They are all great men, and it was a treat for them to be together.

The "second" generation. Their fathers were good friends growing up, and
now these two are great friends.

The food was wonderful! Uncle Tom is a great cook!
The Farmer thinks that there is nothing better than roasted sweet corn....he was in heaven!


Sharing memories from "back in the day"......
We made a point to keep the children away from the "memories".....we wouldn't want them
to get an ideas;)

Then it was off to The Stadium Of Fire.
It was PACKED! But is was great to be there.
Carrie Underwood was super! She sounds great in concert, and she sang a ton of songs.


The crowd was great....really into Carrie Underwood.....lots of singing along....
lots of laughs....and some "very interesting people" sightings.

The fireworks were amazing...I am pretty sure we sustained some minor hearing loss....
There were alot of gasps of delight from the crowd....
And then a few gasps of fear when one of the fireworks hit a light and shot into
the crowd. The parametics quickly attended to the folks in the "good" seats,
no-one was seriously injured....and the show went on.

The evening ended with The Farmer and I sitting for hours in traffic....
While The Darlings and Auntie walked several blocks away to another car....
and then they headed to a midnight showing of Eclipse.....Since PreShie was starting
EFY Monday, this was the only moment she could see it.
It was a great day....we were so happy to be in Provo for the 4th!


  1. I love The Freedom Festival. Only Mormons can run a show of that magnitude so well.

    I used to love volunteering to work in different parts of the festival when I worked at NuSkin in Provo. My favorite was when I got to be a judge in the baby contest. :)

    I always love your photos.

  2. k- so hamburgers and corn are out--looks like you had that already.

    You have beans and Mexi food all the time at home- strike 2

    maybe fish taco's?

    or stir fry?

    a big salad and rolls?

    what should we make for Monday?


Tell Me Something Good