
September 7, 2010

"These Are Some Good Times..."

"You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast,
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now,
But you're gonna miss this
You're gonna miss this,.........You're gonna miss this....."
(Trace Adkins)

The first Pep Rally of the season was last Friday......(my birthday....hehe),
anyway, The Boy is playing Varsity Football....PreShie is a Varsity Cheerleader...and
The Rooster is playing JV Football.
The Cheerleaders did a wonderful job getting the crowd excited!


The Senior class...The Boy's a great group of teenagers. They are all
great friends and really enjoy each other. They are full of spirit and....I think.....
they are adding a great energy to the school. They like to have fun....They made the
Pep Rally extra special because they participated so well.

Lots of yelling.....
Lots of cheering.....

The Boy was really getting into it!!!

PreShie and The Rooster sharing a little "sibling love" after the Rally.

And here we have....a little...."cousin love." The three girl cousins cheering.....
The 1 boy cousin playing Varsity Football....
and the 4 "young buck" cousins....playing JV Football. fun that they all really love each other too!!!


Man....those are some cute cousins!!


There he is.....The Senior Boy.....
(he changed his number last night....oh well....)
Someday he really will miss the care-free life of a teenager.
For now....we soak it up.....every minute!!!


  1. your kids are so pretty! your son is a stud!! i love these pics and HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRETTY LADY!!!!

  2. I love that song!
    sometimes i wish i could go back knowing what i know now....
    looks like they are making the most of these years.
    they're gonna miss this time, someday.

  3. According to my Senior daughter, their class holds the record for winning every pep rally for the last "I don't know how many years" cause they are so loud. Yes, they are a great group.

  4. Enjoy every minute! Those football/cheeleading years make memories for a lifetime! I still consider those years with my kids some of the most fun years of my life! You will really miss it when they are gone! Just a word of advice... don't take the sports too seriously! Frank and I used to live and die by every missed pass, or shot... glory in every good game our child had! Looking back... it's not at all crucial to their eternal well being! Whether the excell or don't it doesn't really matter! They grow up to be good, hard working, spiritual, compasionate human beings anyway and that's what really matters! Competitive sports only lasts through high school... very few kids play college sports! Don't take it too seriously! This is what we realized AFTER IT WAS ALL OVER!


Tell Me Something Good