
October 11, 2010

100 Cupakes Later.....


After making 100 cupcakes....and coming across the most wonderful Buttercream Frosting recipe....EVER.....The Farmer and I were off to "Lunch With The Lobos!"
Every Thrusday.....the day before the football game.....the day is full of exciting activities begining with a pep rally lovingly prepared by the cheerleaders! We will call them the Lobo Beauties! This particular day, The Farmer and I waited outside of the school gym for the Young Lobos to join us for lunch. We may as well have been inside the gym....the noise was impressive! Chanting....yelling....screaming....stomping...well, you get the idea. Turns out, the classes were having a competition to see who had the most spirit. It became a totally wild match between the Juniors and the Seniors.....every other student in the school chose a side to defend.
Who won ????
Depends on who you ask!

The parents....and sometimes a coach.....will take turns feeding the Young Lobos each Thursday.
This particular Thursday....The Farmer contracted a local favorite....Doggo's.... to come
and prepare the lunch. The Young Lobos arrived....dressed in their white shirts and ties....
looking like an army of missionaries. The line was formed at the Hot Dog wagon.....
The Young Lobos were first of course...that was until the cheerleaders arrived, and it was if the Red Sea had parted. The Lobo Beauties headed to the front of the line without hesitation!
Most of those Young Lobos have some impressive manners....they have been taught well!

The Lobo the head of the Doggo line!

The Young Lobos...(and a coach)...ate and ate and ate.......some more than 4 Doggos....
along with drinks and a few cupcakes...
They do have great appetites!

This Lobo Beauty loved having her Dad around for lunch....Oh how she loves her Dad.


The Rooster....who is a JV Lobo...enjoyed himself a few Doggo's too!

The world famous.....Doggo!
It was a fun afternoon for us....the be with The Darlings and their friends.
Those Young Lobos are a wonderful group of young men. We love them like our own sons.
It has been a complete joy watching them grow into the fine young men that they are.
Many of those Young Lobos will be full time missionaries within the next 6 months,
in The Boy's Senior class there are 23 potential missionaries....I think that is pretty impressive!
We are proud of the Young Lobos!!!


  1. Hi! I discovered your blog last week and really liked it!

    Those cupcakes look delicious and everyone looks like they are having a great time. :)

  2. Seriously... the coolest parents ever! I'm sure all your kids are pretty popular bcz of you and the Farmer. One hundred cupcakes? Doggos? Seriously... coolest parents EVER! (And that Preshie is truly a beauty!)
    Oh, where did you get the buttercream frosting???

  3. always up for a good butter-cream frosting recipe!

    dogs with jalapeƱos...can't get any better than that.

    The kids look fantastic!

  4. I love how the boys look in their white shirts and ties. :)

  5. I have to agree, darn good bunch of kids. I have become quite attached to those Seniors as well!


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